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GitLab CI

Cimon Attest

In GitLab CI, Cimon Attest is performed using the CLI. In the first step, you must install Cimon CLI and then attest the artifact that is created.

before_script: |
# Download Cimon
curl -sSfL | sh

script: |
# Build Artifacts
mkdir dist
echo artifact1 > dist/artifact1
echo artifact2 > dist/artifact2

# Cimon Attest
./bin/cimon attest generate-and-sign \
--client-id $CIMON_CLIENT_ID --secret $CIMON_SECRET \
--subjects "dist/artifact1 dist/artifact2"

after_script: |
# Print Provenance
cat provenance.intoto.jsonl


# Download Cimon
curl -sSfL | sh

Installing Cimon tooling. More info for installation options can be found in CLI integration page.

# Build Artifacts
mkdir dist
echo artifact1 > dist/artifact1
echo artifact2 > dist/artifact2

Creating artifacts. This is build-specific, and we just used stub artifacts for the process demonstration.

# Cimon Attest
./bin/cimon attest generate-and-sign \
--client-id $CIMON_CLIENT_ID --secret $CIMON_SECRET \
--subjects "dist/artifact1 dist/artifact2"

Attesting the artifacts given through input variables. These can be configured through the CLI parameters.

# Print Provenance
cat provenance.intoto.jsonl

Printing the attestation according to the default path. This can be configured through the CLI parameters.


The supported parameters that could be supplied to Cimon are explained in the CLI integration.