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Cimon Attest

In Buildkite, Cimon Attest is performed using the CLI. First, Cimon CLI should be installed, and then run on the artifact previously created, providing the desired parameters. There are several ways to perform this process in Buildkite:

  • Call internal bash scripts performing the entire process.
  • Using Buildkite hooks to pre install Cimon before the command execution.
  • Dedicated Cimon plugin that installs the CLI, and helps invocating the attestation.
  • The following way, which simply fetches Cimon to local bin directory, and runs it on the provided artifact.
# Create build artifacts.
- command:
- echo artifact > artifact.txt
- artifact.txt
label: "Generate artifacts"

# Downloads artifact
# Installs Cimon
# Generates attestation
- command:
- buildkite-agent artifact download artifact.txt .
- curl -sSfL | sh
- ./bin/cimon attest generate-and-sign --client-id $(buildkite-agent secret get CIMON_CLIENT_ID) --secret $(buildkite-agent secret get CIMON_SECRET) --subjects artifact.txt --report-job-summary
- provenance.intoto.jsonl
label: "Generate attestation"


# Create build artifacts.
- command:
- echo artifact > artifact.txt
- artifact.txt
label: "Generate artifacts"

Creating artifacts. This is build-specific, and we just used stub artifacts for the process demonstration.

- command:
- buildkite-agent artifact download artifact.txt .

Downloading previously created artifacts. This is build-specific.

- curl -sSfL | sh

Installing Cimon tooling. More info for installation options can be found in CLI integration page.

- ./bin/cimon attest generate-and-sign --client-id $(buildkite-agent secret get CIMON_CLIENT_ID) --secret $(buildkite-agent secret get CIMON_SECRET) --subjects artifact.txt --report-job-summary

Attesting the artifacts given through input variables. These can be configured through the CLI parameters.

- provenance.intoto.jsonl

Automatically uploads the created artifacts using the default provenance name. The created provenance name can be configured through the CLI parameters.


The supported parameters that could be supplied to Cimon are explained in the CLI integration.

Annotation Support

Buildkite offers an efficient way to display build results within the pipeline through build annotations. The Cimon CLI leverages the annotation API to upload in-toto provenance and the signed envelope as an annotation when the --report-job-summary flag is provided to the CLI.

Keyless OIDC Support

The Cimon CLI integrates with the Buildkite OIDC API to retrieve signed JWT tokens from Buildkite’s identity provider, enabling keyless signing. These identity tokens are also supported by Fulcio and were introduced in this PR, allowing the creation of keyless attestations.