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Who is Cimon?

Cimon the beaver was a master builder who loved nothing more than working with his paws and teeth to create something new. One day, he noticed that the software developers in his community were struggling with supply-chain attacks, and he knew he had to help.

With his sharp teeth and keen senses, Cimon built a runtime security solution that could detect and prevent these attacks, using eBPF technology to monitor the system and protect against threats.

Cimon's hard work and dedication paid off, and his platform became popular with developers worldwide. They admired his beaver-like traits of hard work, persistence, and attention to detail, and he became known as the go-to beaver for preventing supply-chain attacks.

From that day on, Cimon continued to use his beaver skills to help protect the software supply chain, always staying vigilant and ready to build something new to keep the developers safe.

How does Cimon prevent supply-chain attacks?

Cimon prevents supply-chain attacks by monitoring and preventing the golden pillars of CI/CD pipeline security: process execution, network access, and file access. It enables you to detect a breach, identify a compromised pipeline runner, deny access to the source code, and mitigate exfiltration attempts.

What is eBPF technology?

Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) is a revolutionary technology that enables the Linux kernel to execute custom programs within the kernel context safely. eBPF is highly efficient and allows developers to write code that can be run inside the kernel without needing kernel modifications or the risk of crashing the system. In the context of Cimon, eBPF is used to monitor and mitigate attacks within the kernel.

How to build the right security policy in Cimon?

First, you should go through the learning phase and run Cimon in detect mode to monitor the CI pipeline behavior. The Cimon report will suggest the correct security policy to apply for the prevention phase. Once applied, any deviation will be terminated, leaving your pipeline harmless.

What is the pricing of Cimon

Cimon is totally free! So get started and unleash the power of the beaver!

How does Cimon protect users' privacy?

We prioritize the privacy of our users and only collect the necessary information to enhance their experience and improve our product. We utilize this information to present the report findings to the user on the Cimon platform and to assist the user in creating project-specific security policies. Please refer to our privacy policy for more details on our privacy practices, including data collection, usage, protection, and user rights.

Which CI/CD platforms does Cimon support?

Cimon supports various CI platforms like GitHub Actions, Azure Pipelines, and Jenkins. You can find the complete support list here.


How can I get started with Cimon?

To get started with Cimon, just add the Cimon Action to your workflow. More info can be found on our getting started page.

How do I define Cimon action in my workflow?

To get Cimon to learn your pipeline, we recommend starting it on "Detect Mode." Here's an example for GitHub Actions:

- uses: cycodelabs/cimon-action@v0

To use Cimon in "Prevent Mode," add prevent: true to your configuration. Additionally, you can define allowed-hosts and allowed-ips to allow access to specific hosts or IP addresses.

- uses: cycodelabs/cimon-action@v0
prevent: true
allowed-hosts: >
allowed-ips: >

How do I generate an API key for Cimon?

API keys are used only by Cycode customers to enhance Cimon capabilities. You can read more about it here.

The Cimon API key consists of two values: client-id and secret, and can be generated from the Cycode service accounts page. These values should be saved in GitHub organization settings as GitHub Actions secrets and titled CIMON_CLIENT_ID and CIMON_SECRET.


Cimon just detected an unwanted connection. Am I at risk?

Not necessarily. A few reasons could lead to it:

  • You updated the pipeline with additional services which weren't present during the learning phase. The way to handle it is through updating the policy or, if the changes are significant, going through the learning phase again.
  • Your learning phase needed to be more thorough and cover edge cases. These are the drawbacks of this approach, but it definitely didn't put your pipeline at any security risk. The solution is to update the policy with the discovered profile.
  • One of the components in your pipeline has unwanted behavior that may be malicious. We recommend investigating it and understanding its root cause.

Error: failed removing memory limit: failed to set memlock rlimit: operation not permitted

This error indicates Cimon wasn't run with sufficient privileges. If Cimon is run locally, it should be run with sudo - sudo ./cimon agent If Cimon is run through a container image, it should be given --privileged flag to the docker run of the container. If Cimon is run through the Kubernetes environment, it should be given the following capabilities:

- SYS_RESOURCE # To set rlimit and load BPF programs.
- BPF # To manage BPF objects.
- SYS_ADMIN # To load and attach BPF programs as well. SYS_RESOURCE and SYS_BPF seem not to be enough.

Error: failed constructing filter proc tree BPF map: creating map: map create: operation not permitted (MEMLOCK may be too low, consider rlimit.RemoveMemlock)

This is another error indicating the Cimon wasn't run with sufficient privileges. For the solution, please refer to the previous section.

Error: failed starting filesystem sensor: failed attaching BPF program to tracepoint: neither debugfs nor tracefs are mounted

To properly hook tracepoints in the kernel, the debugfs should be mounted at /sys/kernel/debug. If running Cimon natively:

  • Verify that /sys/kernel/debug exists. If it doesn't, try to mount debugfs using the following script: sudo mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug.
  • If the debugfs doesn't exist for your OS, verify you are using a supported Linux version and distribution.
    • If running Cimon within a container:
      • Verify the path is mounted into the container: --volume /sys/kernel/debug:/sys/kernel/debug:ro.
    • If running Cimon within Kubernetes environment:
      • Verify the path is mounted in the pod definition:
- name: sys-kernel-debug
mountPath: /sys/kernel/debug
readOnly: true
- name: sys-kernel-debug
path: /sys/kernel/debug

Error: failed constructing network sensor: failed loading and assigning base BPF objects: field ExitUDPRecvmsgProg: program exit_udp_recvmsg: load program: invalid argument: invalid func unknown#195896080 (86 line(s) omitted) (or something similar)

These errors indicated that the program failed to load the BPF program to the kernel. It usually shows a lack of support for eBPF or some of the used features. The solution is updating the OS to the latest kernel and distribution. Please follow Cimon guidelines for the supported versions and distros.

How do I contact Cimon support?

You can contact Cimon support by emailing